What Courage Means To Me: From Making It Happen to Allowing it to Happen

Courage is not an act of bravery, like we have been taught. It is also not something that we force or struggle with. It is not something to achieve because it’s already there inside us. Rather, Courage is fully receiving what life presents to us. It’s the alignment with our true self. You will access the courage within you when you soften and flow with moment-to-moment experience. We have been taught that courage is pushing through, working hard, rolling up our sleeves, etc. We even admire those around us that fight for what they believe, or fight a disease, fight the system, etc.
What if life could be more enjoyable than this? What if we can choose to align with the wisdom inside that deeply knows each experience presented to us is for our highest expansion? How would we meet each moment in that state?
It can be easy to forget this wisdom within us, especially when we are constantly on the go and/or distracted. Sometimes the first step to accessing Courage is getting curious about it. Next, pause throughout the day several times to allow and even invite it to be with you. As you connect more and more to your own wisdom, Courage grows and expands all on its own without you having to make it or anything happen. This is our true power as humans and it's the real fuel from which we discover it was there all along.
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